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Showing posts from June, 2013

Poem by an African Child

Today, my cousin sets a very touching poem written by an African child as a Display Picture on BlackBerry Messenger. This poem was nominated for the best poem of 2005. I used to pay no attention to poem since I often hard to understand it but this one really attract me. It is a simple yet meaningful poem. Here is it. Colored When I born, I Black When I grow up, I Black When I go in sun, I Black When I scared, I Black When I sick, I Black And when I die, I still Black And you White fellows, When you born, you Pink When you grow up, you White When you go in sun, you Red When you cold, you Blue When you scared, you Yellow When you sick, you Green And when you die, you Grey And you calling me Colored? The child who writes this poem want to tell us about his/her feeling about how it feels to have black skin. People with white skin usually put a negative value to them with black skin. I think, the color of skin really doesn’t matter. S...

Life could be worse than this

Do you ever feel sad because you can’t have a Smartphone while your friend or family can have it easily? Do you ever feel hopeless because you are not as beautiful as some random girls in television or in a magazine? Do you ever feel envy because that girl has a very wonderful leg that looks so amazing in that mini skirt you wish you could wear it as mesmerize as she does? Do you ever feel broken heart into pieces when your friend gets that job you fighting for together, whereas you don’t pass the test? Yes, I do. I start to focus on my failures and my imperfections. Until some days ago I felt dizzy and I  couldn't  see everything clearly. The moment I imagine how would my life be if I was born disable? Then I wonder a life below. You have no finger to type a text even in your ordinary Handphone Your eyes can’t show how your face looks like You can’t move from one place to another place easily You are not able to apply the job you dream for too long be...


Experienced some rejections at the same time were one of the worst feeling ever. Maybe I am not the only one who feels such terrible thing in this world so I intend to make a writing to set the fire back in our life. Those rejections make a big influence to me as a thinker person. Yes, I think too much as usual. I even do not know what my dream job is. I (almost) lose my faith. Last year, I had a dream to work in a luxurious office with tidy clothes every day, 9 to 5 job, day off on Saturday, big salary, saving money so I can travel around this world. Work in a NGO is not my willing because I do not like uncertain work hours and I think to work there need high idealism. Since I prefer to look at the reality, I think that job didn’t suit me well. That’s why I applied to some Banks and they have rejected me for something beyond my reach. Why I said beyond my reach? Because I failed in medical test and I have checked my health and I am healthy. There is a chance to fe...

Graduation Dinner

Jam 17.00 pun tiba, saudara dan kenalan serta teman mulai berdatangan. Makan-makan dimulai sambil bercerita dan bersenda gurau Saya duduk dimeja dengan teman-teman beserta our random conversation (as usual) sambil ngakak hahaha. Terima kasih Febri, Fay + Adek Ezel, Nining, Gita, Kanda, Elok, Wisnu dan Jenk Ryan yang sudah datang J Kami berada di IBC cukup lama mulai dari jam 16.00-21.00 itupun karena ada saudara yang akan pulang ke Surabaya. Untung tidak diusir haha. Saya pun berpikir, coba kalau ini di Soe pasti minuman keras mulai diedarkan hehe. It was one of best night ever in my life. Berkumpul bersama orang-orang terdekat dalam hidup sungguh menyenangkan J Setelah itu kami pun berpisah ke tempat tinggal masing-masing. Setibanya dipenginapan, langsung beristirahat sambil ngobrol, membicarakan mau dibawa kemana arah hidup saya ini setelah wisuda haha. Besoknya, Papa yang dulu kuliah di Malang (UM, dulu IKIP) sekitar tahun 1970an mengajak ke Alun-Alun untuk ...

Let’s Go Graduate!

“The Roots of Education are Bitter but the Fruit is Sweet - Aristotle” Setelah menunggu ± 6 bulan + penundaan wisuda 2 minggu, akhirnya datang juga hari peneguhan menjadi seorang sarjana, 01 Juni 2013. Sebenarnya setelah yudisium sudah sah menjadi seorang Sarjana Ilmu Politik tapi tidak afdol tanpa wisuda hehe. Lagipula, wisuda itulah hari dimana orang tua akan merasa sangat bahagia dan bangga melihat anaknya berhasil mencapai apa yang diusahakan selama ini. Sepertinya 6 bulan itu lama, tapi setelah melewatinya terasa sangat cepat. Dan akhirnya tibalah hari itu. Hari yang sudah kita tunggu-tunggu. Mama sudah mempersiapkan semuanya termasuk cinderamata untuk dosen, kebaya dan pesanan khusus kain tenunan asal Sumba-NTT yang akan dipakai oleh mama dan papa untuk wisuda Esti ;’) Saya sendiri menggunakan kain tenunan Timor yang motifnya sangat saya sukai. Saya juga sudah booking penginapan, salon dan studio 8, jahit kebaya, beli sepatu dan sebagainya :D Untuk pengi...