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Stay “Children” Forever

Kalau uda gede aku mau jadi Eksmud
Mau jadi bos!
Hari-hari ngomong campur bahasa Inggris
Tiap Jumat pulang kantor nongkrong bareng sesama Eksmud ngomong proyek besar biar keliatan sukses
Suara digede-gedein biar kedengaran cewek dimeja sebelah
Kalau weekend sarapan di café sambil sibuk laptopan
Pesan kopi secangkir harga 40ribuan minumnya pelan-pelan biar tahan sampai siang demi wifi gratis
Kalau tanggal tua pagi siang malam makannya mie instan
Kalau mau nelpon bisanya cuma missed call
Jadi orang gede menyenangkan tapi susah dijalanin
Think again.

In fact, I am rarely watching television because I don’t like it that much.
But when I took a rest in a motel in Jogja, there was a television right in front of me so I watched it and there was a commercial from a cellular operator that really attracted my attention.
Those words on that television commercial represent what I feel lately. Lol.
I was always have a though that children are so cute, innocent, no pretense, no burden, always be honest. If they do something wrong, it will be always in a cute way.
They should be prohibited to grow up. (Don’t take this seriously)
There was a story when I ate my dinner in a fast food restaurant.
A mother and her 1yo son sat next to me. She told him not to go anywhere because she was going to wash her hand but her son didn’t notice her and went up to the second floor. The mother came back to their table at the same time with her son. The son told her mom “Mommy, I was not going anywhere”, the mother replied “But you just went down from upstairs”. I laughed.
I have another story about children. One day, I ate my lunch in a small food shop near my boarding house. I quite often eat there so the owner recognizes me. The owner has a chubby son. The son asked her for a Rp. 10.000 then she asked him what he would do with that money. He answered: “To buy a fish”. His grandpa replied: “But you had a fish already. Why did you want to buy fish again?” The son answered: “So that the fish could be dating”. Errrr ROTFL!! =))
See, how funny and innocent they are!
Then I accidentally found a picture of my little sister when she was 2 or 3 years old. I told a joke to her that she is way cuter that the teenager version of her lol
I remembered my cousin named Inggrid. Not like the other kids, she eats very well no matter she is healthy or even sick. That’s why she’s so chubby, active and very cute.
A fat human adult will try their best to do diet because society will punish them with she-is-so-fat look.
The bold words above were the truest part about adults (Sorry) haha.
Honesty, innocence, cheerfulness and sincerity are difficult to be found in adult life.
One thing we should learn from children is if they want something, they will try as hard they can and they will do everything to reach it.
I think adults should be like that (of course) in different way. I mean if children cry hardly to get what they want then please adults don’t do that. Hehe.
Well I don’t really mean that don’t let children to grow up physically but I think those parts of children (especially honesty, cheerfulness, sincerity and strong willingness to reach something) should stay forever.
